Module Map.Make


module M : Stdlib.Map.S


val at : M.key -> ( 'a M.t, 'a, 'a, 'a M.t ) optic

A traversal focusing on removable value of given key in a map.

let 101 = L.view ( "foo") a_string_map
let true =
  StringMap.equal ( = )
    ( StringMap.to_assoc [("bar", 42)])
    (L.remove ( "foo") a_string_map)
val to_assoc : ( 'a M.t, (M.key * 'a) list, (M.key * 'b) list, 'b M.t ) optic

Isomorphism between maps and association lists.

val elems : ( 'a M.t, 'a, 'a, 'a M.t ) optic

Traversal over the removable elements of a map.